Turning and milling
Making use of the most modern programming technologies and the most advanced instruments.
Technical Assistance
We support the Customer in technical assessments regarding mechanical design.
Mechanical Prototypes
We offer support for the design and creation of exclusive prototypes.
The most modern technologies
In turning and milling phases, we make use of the most modern CAD-CAM programming and technical drawing technologies and the most advanced professional machines. In this way we are able to respect very high/ low tolerances.
All the machines are, in fact, connected via server to the CAD-CAM programming system, which is entrusted with the programming phase in the most complex cases.
In other cases, programming is carried out on board.
From cutting to execution
Thanks to our consolidated experience, we place ourselves as a only single-source provider for all companies that need, for any aspect of their production, customized components, from design to execution, for heat and/or surface treatments, on all types of materials: aluminum, stainless steels (including duplex, superduplex and inconel) case-hardening steels, alloy steels from quenching and tempering and nitriding, mold steels for hot and cold working, brass, B14, titanium, plastic materials.
All the materials used and the treatments performed are controlled and managed thanks to traceability and control procedures that are always available to the customer.
A single contact person
Oltre agli obiettivi di qualità, affidabilità e competitività con cui la Torneria Dallatomasina dirige e organizza la propria attività, la mission è quella di offrirsi al proprio cliente come unico referente per tutte le sue possibili richieste.
Oltre a questo, grazie ad una rete di fornitori storici affiliati, se vi è necessità la Torneria Dallatomasina fa eseguire trattamenti termici e superficiali sui pezzi ponendosi al cliente come unico interlocutore dimezzando così tempi di gestione.
A well-stocked warehouse for special processes
For all the required mechanical components, we have a well-stocked warehouse with all types of materials to be turned or milled, we offer the finished component directly to the customer, relieving him of the task of material procurement.
Consolidated experience in the sector
Thanks to our consolidated experience, we place ourselves as a only single-source provider for all companies that need, for any aspect of their production, customized components, from design to execution, for heat and/or surface treatments, on all types of materials: aluminum, stainless steels (including duplex, superduplex and inconel) case-hardening steels, alloy steels from quenching and tempering and nitriding, mold steels for hot and cold working, brass, B14, titanium, plastic materials.
All the materials used and the treatments performed are controlled and managed thanks to traceability and control procedures that are always available to the customer.
Treatments performed:
Rettifica - Anodizzazione - Ossidazione dura - Nichelatura chimica - Zincatura elettrolitica - Fosfatazione - Ossidazione anodica - Impregnazione - Lucidatura acciaio inox - Decapaggio - Decontaminazione inox - Passivazione alluminio - Burattatura - Indurimento termico e deidrogenazione